Replacing cherished best friends! ✶
Why We Started
We understand the value of a lovey to a child, especially in times of distress. We would like to help those impacted by the California wildfires to replace a small piece of their world through our lovey replacement searches.
How It Works
Find a Friend
Fill out our form with your name, an address where we can send your new lovey, and a detailed description of your missing friend! All personal information will be kept confidential.
You are welcome to submit requests for lovies, blankets, and even cherished toys or books!
Photographs and brand names are a huge help in locating a replacement lovey!
We will use our personal penchant for research and the power of the Internet through our dedicated Instagram page!
We will never reveal your name or address, but any information you provide (i.e. a six year-old girl from Pacific Palisades, CA) might help folks connect with your need and dig a little deeper trying to find your lovey’s doppelganger!
Support Reunions
Make a contribution to help cover shipping costs for replacement friends! If you’d rather find, remake, and/or ship a replacement lovey directly, we can likely work that out with you as long as we have release of name and address from the searching family!
We are new and not a 501(c)(3) organization, as a result your gifts are not tax-deductible. If this becomes more than helping a few friends on the Internet then we may pursue that, but for now this is just a group of folks in Houston, Texas trying to help those impacted in California.
Surplus funds will be used to help more kids replace their treasured lovies. In the event we end up with shipping funds and no more requests for replacement, we will donate the balance to Baby2Baby, a child-focused 501(c)(3) organization providing disaster relief, https://baby2baby.org/disaster-relief-and-emergency-response/.
Reunion Stories
We just started, but we hope to share an amazing reunion story, soon!
Future Adorable Kid, 5 Years Old, Los Angeles
Let Us Help!
Volunteer Form
Interested in helping our mission? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!